Competitive Intelligence (CI)

Einfolge’s competitive intelligence reports provide insights on business and patenting aspects of competing corporations, thereby enabling businesses to stay ahead of the competition.

Competitive intelligence gives insights into potential future developments. Analyzing a competitor’s intellectual property holdings can reveal significant information about their technology strategies. Whether your company is leading the industry or striving to do so, there will always be competitors trying to outdo you. You may already be aware of your competitor, or there may be a completely unknown entity that is silently preparing to disrupt your business. You can choose to continue running blindly, unaware of how close your competitors are to overtaking you, or you can develop competitive intelligence with the help of our services.

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Process of competitive intelligence (CI)

This process involves stages from data to information to intelligence through the selection, collection, interpretation, and distribution of publicly held information that has strategic importance. It is an analytical process that transforms disaggregated competitor intelligence into relevant, accurate, and usable strategic knowledge about your competitors' positions, performance, capabilities, and intentions. The information extracted from competitor IP includes the identification of collaborators, inventor records, R&D directions, and potential licensees.

Patents do so much more than just protect your innovations. You can gather incredible amounts of information from patents that will give you insight into what is happening within your industry. You may have ample amounts of IPR-related data from various sources in the public domain, but having data alone does not provide any crucial intelligence unless we analyze it to extract important information.

How CI can be a game changer

Intellectual property (IP) involves novel and innovative technologies that require a significant investment of time and money, including application fees, registration costs, and attorney’s fees for patenting. Conducting a competitive intelligence (CI) analysis before pursuing your idea can provide, complete information on related products and competitors, allowing you to make an informed decision about advancing your innovation. Investing in patenting an idea without conducting a CI analysis is a significant risk, as the analysis may cover an essential area that you may lose. Competitive intelligence may also be used for opposition searches. A competitor may know about their competitor’s patent application, applicant name, related patent applications, etc.

In conclusion, CI plays a crucial role in the IPR domain as it assists in decisions related to maintaining and increasing market share for a technology applicant, technology assessment, obtaining licensing, monitoring top competitors and their commodities, solving technical problems, and collecting meaningful insights for future advancements.

Relation between CI and Freedom to Operate (FTO) searches

Competitive intelligence is also related to Freedom to Operate (FTO) searches. In FTO, CI can provide information regarding the key features of a marketed product and its applicants, allowing for a better understanding of the potential for developing and marketing a new product. CI is also helpful in providing information about the countries where the product is marketed and the areas that have not yet been explored for the same.

Why choose Einfolge for competitive intelligence?

  • Einfolge has a best-in-class team of experts and a decade of experience in delivering perfect competitive intelligence (CI) analysis reports.
  • We offer specialized competitive analysis services across a broad range of subject areas.
  • Einfolge’s CI report empowers your corporate expansion, investor connections, market intelligence, distribution chain, financial planning and analysis, treasury data, and the tools you need to understand your industry.
  • We provide swift, instinctive access to the information you need for competitive intelligence and assessing the risk to your company.
  • With the help of Einfolge’s CI report, you can identify acquisition targets, monitor competitors, find new lines of business, and uncover sources of potential disruption.


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