Non-provisional Patent Drafting

Non-provisional patent application drafting is the process of creating a formal application for a patent that meets the requirements of the relevant patent laws and regulations, which includes a detailed description of the invention or claims that define the scope of the invention and any necessary drawings or diagrams.

At Einfolge, we conduct thorough research to ensure that the invention is novel and non-obvious. We identify the key features and benefits of the invention and then draft a detailed description, claims, and drawings that accurately capture the invention.

Our approach also involves anticipating potential objections or rejections from the patent examiner and including alternative claim language or fallback positions to address these issues. We work meticulously with inventors to recognize their goals and purpose and ensure that their patent application precisely reflects their invention and its potential commercial applications.

In addition to technical expertise, our team has extensive experience interacting with patent examiners, which enables us to navigate the patent application process efficiently and effectively. We are committed to delivering high-quality patent application drafts that provide maximum protection for our clients' inventions and help them achieve their business goals.

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There are two ways to file a non-provisional patent application

Direct filing: This approach allows inventors to seek patent protection in multiple countries simultaneously, which can be advantageous for those who want to protect their invention in countries where patent protection is important.

Subsequent filing: On the other hand, this approach is often used when an inventor wishes to obtain patent protection in a foreign country after the initial filing with the USPTO but wants to wait to assess the commercial potential of the invention or secure additional funding.

In either case, the non-provisional patent application filed with the foreign patent office must comply with the legal and technical requirements of that country's patent laws.

Our IP professionals are familiar with the relevant laws and procedures in each country to ensure that the non-provisional patent application is filed correctly and provides effective protection for the invention.

Advantages of filing a non-provisional patent application

Some of the key advantages of filing a non-provisional patent application include:

  • It provides legal protection for your invention by establishing your ownership of the invention and your exclusive rights to make, use, and sell the invention for a limited time period.
  • Filing a non-provisional patent application establishes a priority date for your invention, which can be important in determining who has the right to claim ownership of the invention.
  • Once your application is published, competitors can see that you have filed a patent application for your invention, which can deter them from developing a competing product.
  • This can make your invention more valuable by providing proof of its uniqueness and marketability, which can make it easier to license or sell the invention.
  • Non-provisional patent applications are more comprehensive than provisional applications, as they require a full description of the invention and formal claims, resulting in stronger legal protection for your invention.

Our strategy

  • If you have created an invention that you believe is novel and has commercial potential, filing a non-provisional patent application can be a wise decision and an important step in protecting your invention and ensuring that you have the sole right to profit from its commercialization.
  • We have a solid strategy for patent drafting. Understanding the invention disclosure form in detail and identifying the invention's key elements are both critical steps in the process. This helps ensure that we have a clear understanding of the invention and its unique features, which is essential for effective claim drafting.
  • By working closely with the inventor, we can ensure that the patent application accurately reflects their vision and goals for the invention.
  • By taking a strategic approach to claim drafting, we can help ensure that our clients receive strong patent protection for their inventions.


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