IP Docketing

At Einfolge, ensuring the integrity and quality of your intellectual property data is of the utmost priority. Our docketing services assist you in managing and keeping an eye on your patent portfolio using platform-independent delivery methods as well as commercial docketing platforms. Deadlines are critical in managing intellectual assets. At Einfolge, we keep track of all the pre-filing, post-filing, and post-grant dates and deadlines associated with your patents and trademarks, upholding industry docketing standards. Whether you choose to continue using your current docket software or plan to move to a new, fully integrated solution, we have experience in major commercial IP docketing and management systems. We will undertake the following responsibilities on your behalf through well-documented, best-practices processes, allowing you to focus on strategic issues.

Process and docket all incoming actions from the Patent and Trademark Offices and from foreign associates, Upload all images associated with corresponding actions, Maintain the database to track all deadlines, Generate and prepare docket reports, Distribute docket reports at predetermined intervals, Send reminders via phone calls or emails as required.

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Einfolge’s IP Docketing Process

Our IP docketing services involve the process of managing and tracking critical dates and deadlines associated with your intellectual property (IP) rights.

The first step is to identify all the IP assets that need to be docketed. This may include patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other types of IP rights. Once the IP assets have been identified, a docketing system should be set up to track important dates and deadlines related to these assets. This involves using a software program specifically designed for IP docketing as well as spreadsheets or other manual methods. The next step is to enter all relevant data into the docketing system, such as filing dates, renewal dates, deadlines for responding to office actions, and other important dates.

Once the data has been entered into the docketing system, we regularly monitor the system to ensure that the deadlines are met. When a deadline approaches, we take the necessary actions to protect the IP rights.

Importance of IP docketing

IP docketing plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of the IP prosecution process. Missing a critical deadline can result in the loss of IP rights or cause significant delays and expenses in the application process. Einfolge’s docketing systems help to track all the necessary deadlines, including filing, examination, and response deadlines, and can alert stakeholders in advance to ensure timely compliance.

In IP prosecution, missing a deadline can not only cause the abandonment of an application but also lead to the loss of priority rights or the inability to enforce an IP right against an infringer. Therefore, accurate and up-to-date docketing is essential for avoiding such situations and maintaining a strong and enforceable IP portfolio.

Why use Einfolge for your intellectual property docketing?

Einfolge is a leading patent filing company that offers "Patent Docketing for PCT Filings." We have been providing IP docketing services for over 9 years and have a team of professionals with experience in this field.

  • In order to improve operational efficiency and minimize risk, we assist in implementing and maintaining sustainable docketing processes.
  • Our docketing services and support are tailored to meet our clients' time and budgetary constraints.
  • Throughout the prosecution cycle, we review and docket all communications received from PTOs, outside counsel, foreign affiliates, and clients with our extensive experience and tech-enabled processes.
  • By using metrics and auditing, we ensure the validity of data and the continuous improvement of processes.

Benefits of Einfolge’s IP docketing support

  • It is much easier to access and use all your organization’s intellectual property information when it is all stored in one central location.
  • The alerts and reports provided by the system are highly accurate and add value to the process.
  • A better understanding of how patents and other intellectual property work so that you can make more informed decisions.


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