Claim Chart Analysis

It is necessary to show that each component of the asserted claims is violated by the good or service in order to prove patent infringement. At Einfolge, we evaluate the claims and divide them down into multiple limiting aspects to create a claim chart. The critical aspect is to comprehend the detailed explanation of the element. Our claim charts analyze the product or service’s features, which we refer to as the "mapping" of the explained infringement.

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Process of Mapping Presumed Patent Infringement

Evaluating whether the technology already in use is essential to the majority of the potential patent monetization alternatives is key to determining a patent's worth. Einfolge’s experts firmly believe that identifying infringement drives IP strategy and that a claims-based analysis is a key point to knowing the potential infringers.

The fundamental process of identifying whether a piece of technology is infringing a patent involves interpreting the patent claim for scope and meaning, then comparing it with the accused product to determine any kind of infringement. To accurately convey the alleged infringement, our analysts generate an effective, precise, descriptive, and visual comparison of the claims and the potentially infringing use. Einfolge can also create an evidence-of-use-chart or a litigation-ready claim chart to establish mapping.

We work according to your needs

When it comes to Claim Chart Analysis, Einfolge Technology is an expert in customizing their services to match the specific requirements of each individual client. Additionally, this involves the thorough mapping of patent claims against possibly infringing items or references to prior art, which is vital for patent litigation, licensing agreements, and the management of patent portfolios. Through the utilization of our individualized technique, we guarantee that the analysis will be exhaustive, precise, and in accordance with your strategic goals.

What is a litigation-ready claim chart?

Claim charts are primarily created to guide and support approaching litigation. While the level and extent of an investigation and the detail of the mapping may vary, the demonstrated infringement is crucial evidence in a potential patent case. Declaring a claim chart to be "Litigation-Ready" indicates that the targeted use case has extensive support in the patent specification. It can be considered a streamlined version to be presented to the judge or jury. At Einfolge, we collaborate with our clients and counsel to produce claim charts that demonstrate a strong case of infringement. Our objective is to map all claim elements thoroughly.


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